"ஒரு சிறிய பெயருக்கு போரா ?பெரிய அக்கப்போராக அல்லவா இருக்கிறது ..!!
What is there in Name ?
An awareness to the benevolent people who are willing to learn from their mistakes and do their bit towards bringing equality in the society.
Bird’s eye view on names in India :
Almost all the people of Rajasthan, Punjab, Haryana, Uttar Pradesh, Bihar and Madhya Pradesh carry as their initials neither their father's nor their mother's nor their godfather's name. It is the individual's own first name that is abbreviated as initial or initials. In this case the first three letters in the name `S.P.S. Grewal' could stand for Surinder Pal Singh whose parents or forefathers might be hailing from the village by name `Grewal' that is located somewhere near Ludhiana.
In a much simplistic form `Saurav Ganguly' comprises his first name and the family name. Here the surname `Ganguly' signifies his caste/sub-caste as it is conveyed in `Mulayam Singh Yadav' and in `Arun Shourie.
An Andhrite `Krishnamurthy' can call himself as `J.K. Murthy' by prefixing his village name `Jammalamadaka.'
Maharashtrians from `Mangeshigaon' and `Tendulgaon' can suffix `Mangeshkar' and `Tendulkar' as their surnames respectively. Generally Andhrites and Maharashtrians differ in their choice as to which part to expand and which other part to abbreviate.
In Kerala, amongst certain group of families sons take the initial from father and the daughters from the mother. If one Keralite can have his house-name for initials like in `Kizhakkae Veettil Mohan,' another Keralite can have it as surname as in `Ayesha Thoappil.' Another Keralite by name `Kandatthuk Kunjuramap Panicker' went up north and proceeded to become a General in the Indian Army as `K.P. Candeth.'
What is unique about Tamil people's name ?
We boast that Tamil Nadu is the first state in India to officially remove the Caste Name from the Name.
We are practicing Native, Father's Name as surname. We have been allowed to keep Mother's Name as Initial/surname since 2002.
After several years of agitation, we finally brought our idea to remove the caste Name in the Names to full fruition. This is one of the breakthrough successes to the hard fought Philanthropists in Tamil Nadu because of its positive impact on society .
Inspired by our state , Several Higher caste People in other parts of India removed Caste Name from their Name and have been practicing a more general word "Kumar" which means Prince,Son of King or God"as surname. Few started and practicing their profession as surname.For instance, Sachin Pilot and Farooq Engineer removed their caste from their name and used their profession.
The moral of the story is, suffixing the caste name with gents was stopped about two to three decades ago in Tamil Nadu. But I understand few are flaunting their caste by keeping their social network profile names and email identities with their caste name.
I assume that they have no intention to exhibit ostentatiously their caste; perhaps it may due to their lack of awareness about our history. Unknowingly one is advocating the caste system and tries to push back the society by 40 years. One forgets the fact that, if one does it, there are million to follow the trend.
I appeal to one and all, not to use the caste name in their name or in future not to name their child with caste name. If one's official name itself has the caste name, one can change it through the formal procedure, if one wishes to be benevolent.
Note: The objective is to create an awareness to the benevolent people who are willing to learn from their mistakes and do their bit towards bringing equality in the society. Author is meticulous to avoid hurting anyone's feelings and the same can be brought to his attention to mitigate it, if any .